Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lessons from Bisley

I cannot really regret the decisions I made in QII. I did the absolute best I could in reading the wind, and barring the elevation issues, it would have been quite a decent shoot. The cut line was 144-13, the lowest cut line in quite a few years.

Several shooters of some note said to me later over beers that it was the toughest QII in the last 20 years.

Both David Calvert (who won the last two Queen's Finals) and Jim Paton also failed to progress to the Final. Had everything gone my way, I would likely have still missed the Final by a single point so I cannot fool myself that I have much more to learn.

However, I had a great deal of fun and everyone I lay down with at all distances was a friend - is there more one could ask for? I've talked to shooters who have never progressed to QII in 20 years of trying - so I should recognize both my skill and good fortune.

I plan to go back every year that I'm able and keep trying to make that Final.

I've got lots to improve on:

  • Taking up a good position every time and not compromising. Keep working until it's completely solid.
  • Learn how to dismount and re-mount the rifle perfectly every time.
  • Always keep how fortunate I am to be in this sport in mind. Shoot with joy!
  • Make each shot perfect. Don't accept firing a less than perfect shot.


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