Sunday, July 23, 2017

Imperial 13: Prince of Wales (600yds), 2+15

This is a slightly sad tale. Oddly enough, the score doesn't stand up badly as a lot of people got beaten up during this match. In spite of losing 5 points, I only lost 11 places in the Grand Aggregate (normally, I would have lost 150 places!).

It's a bit frustrating to me that I lost 3 points low (poor light) as a 73 would have been very creditable given the tough winds. I really wasn't far off on the winds, and saw fellow competitors much further out. Thus the low shots were really concerning.

This was the last match in the Grand Aggregate and I finished 414th overall. Not much better than last year but I had two noticeable failures. One the debacle with the binder clip, and the other with a sight set far too far forward. Without those, I would have been up in the 130s which would have been very good indeed.

So I leave feeling that I'm "almost there" and eager to come back next year with renewed enthusiasm.


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