Tuesday, July 04, 2017

BCRC and a break

I'm taking a three-day break in Amsterdam. I had a great deal of fun this weekend though I was quite exhausted at the end of each day. My plots (still learning to plot) but forgive mistakes are attached. I was decently far up the order it appears after the short range matches. A bit defeated by the winds on Stickledown and hence I dropped to just below mid-pack with my final 1000x match.

Feel pretty good about my elevations. Have stopped always using towels to level my position - had a "double" group as you'll see in an early short-range plot - think my position possibly slipped on the towels under the mat in recoil.

Two problems yesterday - an interrupted 900yd shoot where I was zenning the wind Very well when we got called off for time. The marker gave us 16-17 message 4s (please pull the target down and look for a shot) in 22 (between us) record shots. In any event, finished at the end of the day with a new sighter and four for record (which is the partial 900x plot). Nice elevation though again mis-read wind intensity.

1000x on Sunday was a bit of a disaster as I consistently under-read the wind. But so did everyone else (except Dave Calvert).. I was in the last detail and we got the worst of it. I think only five people made it into the 70s. Most scores in mid to low 60s.

Pretty exhausted at the end of each day (four ranges per day) but my hold has remained steady even if my wind-reading slipped a bit. Dave Adams attributes my increased hold at 1000 to the ammo but I'm not convinced of that (though both Watsons shooting next to me had some elevation issues). I think, rather, I had my rear iris too small (0.6 or so) and when the targets fell into shadow it affected my elevation. Have to give some thought to it and keep my iris a bit more open.

My Mastin stock is very good - feels solid, and my hold is really quite good - as is my trigger release. Figures to only get better over the next week or two. Will fit my blue action in it for the next week to get some SR zeroes (as a backup). 1-11 twist seems to work well with this year's GGG.


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